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why is tango called the most exotic dance
Posted by Braverme
2/1/2012  4:55:00 PM
Guys. Can you help me, I just wanted to ask why is tango called the most exotic dance? I need an opinion. thanks in advance to someone who'll going to answer.
Re: why is tango called the most exotic dance
Posted by guest
2/2/2012  2:46:00 AM
By whom and in which context have you seen that statement?

Considering Argentine Tango as a very erotic dance: Depends. But exotic? Have yet to see that statement myself.
Re: why is tango called the most exotic dance
Posted by terence2
2/2/2012  5:06:00 AM

I believe the most credit is due, to Rudoplh Valentino
Re: why is tango called the most exotic dance
Posted by Telemark
2/4/2012  4:15:00 AM
If this is exotic, I'm giving up!


I've never heard anyone make that claim to tango. Erotic, perhaps - but RV certainly wasn't that, either!
Re: why is tango called the most exotic dance
Posted by rain
3/1/2012  11:20:00 AM
My teacher also asked me about thing. But, is tango really the most exotic dance?
Re: why is tango called the most exotic dance
Posted by belleofyourball
3/1/2012  12:51:00 PM
You're just jealous...lol. That's actually pretty bad...okay really bad...okay really really really bad.

I don't see exotic. It's pretty standard fare....even Argentine we are still at pretty much not exotic but perhaps erotic if danced well.

What dance would you call exotic...maybe I'm jaded but none of them seem that exotic. Even the newer takes on Latin like Bachata aren't really exotic.
Re: why is tango called the most exotic dance
Posted by OZ
3/3/2012  1:13:00 PM
Many years ago before most of you were born the Tango had a reputation as being an exotic dance. I think some are quoting from way back in the past. It along with even the Modern Waltz was given a reputation by many church authorities. I think today the most exotic dance would have to be the International Rumba. If performed correctly it is supposed to be telling a story which requires about 60 percent acting. Again we are looking at a very toned down Rumba for the Medalist. Which bears very little resemblance to the competition Rumba where every gesture has a story behind it.

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